Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Art Show!

Tonight was the final night of our drawing class. I highly recommend taking it. It really was a wonderful class and I really enjoyed the method they taught us and the instructors were very nice and incredible helpful. And with tonight being the final night, we had a lovely art show where the instructors picked what they believed were out two best works (one pencil drawing and the other charcoal drawing) and they displayed it for the evening. The entire group and our host families were invited to the show and there were snacks and wine and nice mingling about.
After the art show we went out one last time as a group for our final dinner. I opted for a fantastic spaghetti dish with a green salad and a whipped cream, merange, and chocolate dessert. Anicka, Megan and I sat with Rosita (who is a Saint and the secretary of the school) and Jodie (our program director) Charles (the master of Cecil studios) and Professor Sacks (our Esoticism Professor who's exam we just took today.) It was a really lovely dinner, very low key and relaxed.
But tonight was truly the beginning of the end. Tonight was the last night I will see most of the people in my group. Its been a good run and its bitter sweet to say good bye-bitter because we've made a lot of memories and shared a lot of time together in this city. Sweet because we get to go home.
Once again I find myself at the beginning of another journey-this is the journey home. I've finished my papers, my exams and my art show. I'm officially done with my fifths semester of college and soon I will travel 5,000 miles to reach home. But before I do, I have a few more places to see, a few more gifts to buy and more memories to make.

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